Juan Fernando Campos

Over the past few years, I have unearthed strengths, talents, and passions within myself that were previously hidden. Photography is one of these newfound passions. I am drawn to exploring people—their angles, feelings, and emotions. Capturing a moment and portraying the true essence of a person through my lens is what I strive for. The eyes, in particular, fascinate me; they can tell a story of a lifetime, convey emotions that words cannot. It’s challenging to capture such depth in a photograph, yet it’s not impossible. Whether the story in their eyes is joyful or sorrowful, I aim to bring it to life.

My love for nature also deeply influences my work. I am captivated by the breathtaking beauty of sunsets, with their rich tapestry of reds, oranges, yellows, and blues. The ability to capture such a spectrum of warm and cool colors in a single shot is truly remarkable. I also enjoy shooting landscapes, structures, and urban scenes—from monuments and bridges to abandoned houses and vibrant neighborhoods. These subjects offer a different kind of pleasure as they are static, allowing me the luxury of time to find the perfect angle and frame the shot just right.

One of my proudest collections is titled "From the Battery to the Met"—a series of photographs taken in New York City, tracing the journey from Battery Park to the Metropolitan Museum. This collection showcases how moments and movements are captured in the fraction of a second it takes for a camera’s lens to snap shut and reopen.

In photography and design, the possibilities are limitless, transforming the impossible into the possible. With imagination and creativity, anything can be achieved, allowing us to realize our dreams. My name is Juan Fernando Campos, and JC Fotos is my company. This is who I am, what I believe, and what I stand for.